EU4Environment – Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) in Azerbaijan
The “EU4Environment” Action helps the six Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine to preserve their natural capital and increase people’s environmental well-being by supporting environment-related actions, demonstrating and unlocking opportunities for greener growth, and setting mechanisms to better manage environmental risks and impacts.


To harness the potential for economic, environmental, and social benefits through the widespread implementation of the RECP methodology, the Project supports the mainstreaming and scaling-up of RECP in the beneficiary countries (including Azerbaijan) through the following three clusters of activities:

  1. Training of national experts on the RECP methods and techniques, and the development of mechanisms for service delivery to enterprises and other organizations:
    • Pool of national experts trained by UNIDO experts in the application of RECP methods in local enterprises and other organizations.
  2. Support enterprises and other organizations from the target sectors on the implementation of RECP methods and techniques to achieve environmental and economic benefits:
    • Detailed RECP assessments have already been completed for 10 enterprises in Azerbaijan in the sub-sectors of chemical production, agri-food, and the production of construction materials. The implementation results, alongside the associated economic and environmental benefits, have been documented using a standard set of enterprise level indicators, and have been widely disseminated.
    • Enhancing awareness raising campaigns, and the thorough understanding of RECP opportunities and benefits among a wider group of stakeholders (including the business sector, national and local governments, nongovernmental organizations, academia, and the civil society).
  3. Support the transfer and deployment of key enabling technologies/equipment for RECP in the target sectors:
    • Based on the findings gathered at the enterprise level, a technology gap analysis and common technology needs are identified in the selected sectors.
    • As a result, appropriate technology solutions are recommended to further scale up the implementation of RECP, including through the adaptation into existing enterprise business and investment plans.